If you want to be successful in life, especially
financially, there are five groups of people you should stop associating
yourself with.
Energy vampires
The first category are energy vampires. These are friends
who are constantly draining your positive energy leaving you feeling depleted.
These kinds of people are the ones who are always needy, they constantly burden
you with their problems and don’t come through for you when you are
experiencing challenges.
The Envious
Avoid friends who don’t celebrate your success but rather
feel threatened. Such kind of friends are always jealous and will never impact
you positively. If you such kind of friends, my advice is drop them like a hot
frying pan.
The Negative Activist
Have you ever seen people who are always negative, in their
world, the glass is always half empty. If you have such a friend, can you
kindly leave him or her and thank me later.
Chronic liars
If you want to grow in life, find people who are often if
not always honest. There is this group of people who will always present
themselves to you as friends but 80% of the things that they say are lies.
Often, they will want to praise you even if they know what you are doing is not
good. Such kinds of people will never impact your growth positively.
Comfort Lovers
If you want to be rich and successful in life, never get too
comfortable. Now there is this group of people who get comfortable very easily
and are often afraid to leave their comfort zones. Such kind of friends are
always afraid of nearly everything, they can’t take risks and will likely
instill their fears in you. If you have such friends, its time to run. Murife,
(laughs) Im not repeating myself
The takers; They
always take without reciprocating. If you are generous, such kind of people
will know no boundaries. What is even astonishing is that this group of people
don’t know that they are taking, to them, its normal.
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