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How to Write the Best CV: A Guide for Kenyan Youth with No Job Experience

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Studying is hard, but looking for a job is even harder, especially in Kenya. When you don’t have a prior job experience things get extremely challenging for you. Due to these challenges, it is imperative to come up with a compelling CV so that you can enhance your chances of landing a job. If you are a youth in Kenya, this comprehensive guide has been made for you. My name is Clinton Wanjala and I will be guiding you on how you can come up with the best CV that will land you a job in no time.

In your CV as an individual who has no job experience, skills, education and potential are the most important concepts to incorporate. 

5 Tips for Crafting an Outstanding CV if you have Zero Years of Experience

1. Tailor Your CV to Each Job

When writing a CV, it’s imperative to customize it to fit each job application. The second most important thing is highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position that you are applying for. Many people tend to use one CV for every job application. Doing this will affect your chances of getting hired. On the contrary, what you should do is rewriting your CV especially in regard to skills to suit a particular job application.

2. Use Action Verbs

The use of action verbs is crucial when writing a CV especially when you have not been in the job industry. Examples of action verbs to include in a curriculum vitae are "organized," "led," "created," or "developed." You might be asking yourself why it is important to include action verbs. Well, they are vital because they make the CV more dynamic and impactful. Therefore, each bullet point should be started with action verbs.

3. Make It Short and To the Point

Many newbies in the job industry wonder how long should be a CV. If you have no job experience, then the CV should be only one page long. With just one page, you can be able to make an outstanding resume statement by being concise and focusing only on the most important information.

4. Proofread

Proofreading is king or queen if you like when writing. By proofreading, you will be able to ascertain that there are no spelling and grammatical errors. Also, you will be able to identify significant points that you might have missed. When you have a well-polished CV, it showcases attention to detail and professionalism on your part.

5. Format Professionally

Use a clean, professional layout with consistent formatting. Avoid using overly decorative fonts or colors.

Seeking a job requires professionalism. As a result it is good to use clean and professional layout that has consistent formatting. The use of overlay decorative fonts or colors shows lack of professionalism.